Charming Christmas Copy Template Pack
Charming Christmas Templates for making all kinds of offers in and around the silly season.
This template pack contains a variety of templates to help you generate more sales opportunities for the new year, including templates for agencies and freelancers doing one to one client work…
… AND templates for selling products to your opt-in email list.
When the Christmas season is upon us everyone assumes, wrongly, that it’s time to put business to bed for a while.
Why should those selling expensive gadgets, socks, and Lynx/Axe gift boxes only be the ones to gain from the festive season?
No, no. You can get on this gravy train too.
Included in this pack:
- An irresistibly charming cold email infused with my unique brand of Charming Christmas cheer.
- A disarming cold email to send in the New Year to hook people in when they’re in the mood for trying new things… Including speaking to new suppliers.
- Several charming (and Christmas themed) email copy templates to sell your wares to your email list over the holiday period.
- An irreverant but persuasive Boxing Day Sale pitch email.
- A hilarious “New Year – New Me’ cold email pitch.
- A cheeky “Merry Christmas… Remember me?” email for getting the attention of old clients. This may or may not include pictures of animals in cute Santa/Christmas attire…
- A “Pleeeease pay my invoice before you finish work for Christmas. Christmas is scary expensive.” I need the money” email.
- A “Let’s meet for Christmas drinks” email to send to clients and prospects.
- An email to get rid of clients you have less ‘chemistry’ with to send out in the new year.
- An “In the spirit of Christmas, can you tell your successful business owning friends about me” email to send to your current clients to build referral business for the new year.
- An email to send your list just after Christmas but before new year to generate sales.
You know my stuff works: