This is me right now:

Thank you for clicking.

May I say you have excellent taste in Facebook Ads!

I'm now $3 poorer but $3 to get your attention is absolutely a fair deal!

It’s time to make you an offer you can refuse, but only if you’re in a particularly bad mood.

Thank you… and may I say you have excellent taste in Facebook Ads!

It’s time to make you an offer you can refuse…  but only if you’re in a particularly bad mood.

I’m open to doing a free brainstorm session with you.

This can be online using Zoom or I’m happy to come and see you.

Or… Here’s an idea… If we book it on a Friday, we could have a sneaky little trip to [Well known pub/bar in your area].

If my charm offensive has failed, I have a secret weapon.

Please find enclosed a picture of a cat begging.

His name is Rufus.

I trust this will charm you into submission.

I’ll go even further.

If you schedule a quick call with me using the link/enormous button below, I’ll tell you the lamest joke I know OR some random trivia I'm confident you'll find borderline fascinating.

Never fear, this is by no means mandatory.

If nothing else, you’ll get some ideas you’re free to steal.

I'm biased but I believe clicking the button below will be the best decision you've made all hour!

First off, let's have a brief chat... 

If you're at all curious, please click the button below with all your enthusiasm. 

No flimsy clicks please!

Thank you!

Nobody in history has ever done anything this clever.