I decided to test a Facebook Ads campaign directly to an offer. The sales started rolling in immediately.

Now Charm Offensive can be scaled to the moon. This training takes you through every aspect of our funnel. No fluff. No filler. 

I decided to test a Facebook Ads campaign directly to an offer. 

The sales started rolling in immediately.

Now Charm Offensive can be scaled to the moon. This training takes you through every aspect of our funnel. No fluff. No filler. 

This is by far the most exciting time in all my years in business. This beats the drunk cold email. I have to keep reminding myself the position my business is now in. It's beyond exhilarating. 

Not only has our sales turnover increased dramatically, but it turns a profit same day.

We get repeat business from these customers, as we are adding buyers, not freebie seekers to our list.

On top of that, we're getting new subscribers to Charm Offensive Professional nearly every day.

Every single vital sign of our business has improved drastically.

It reinvigorated me. I'll be honest, I'd gotten a little lacklustre, even before the pandemic. That's why you see me posting in the Charm Offensive Facebook Group properly again. 

This training will run through our exact funnel, step-by-step.

It's a straightforward funnel, but there are many nuances that make it work. 

I cover everything over four videos. These videos aren't super long, either. I don't want to bore you with information overload or irrelevant details merely to make the course longer.

I want you to watch the videos and then think, "Oh my word. I can do that!"

Most of our sales come from our campaigns targeting cold traffic. Most incredibly, we only have one ad running for our cold traffic campaigns at the moment!

Our bare-bones campaign is already doing so well. We are, of course, working on adding new ad creatives, but I wanted to show you how much can be achieved with our simple funnel.

We get some from retargeting, but we've not done much work there yet.

This means this kind of funnel will be effective, even with the iOS14.5 updates.

We convert customers after they've known about us for 5 minutes. If they add all the order bumps, they can spend £194 / $277 / €235 in their first order.

You might ask, does it work for other people?

As well as our success, one of our team members, Hannah, set up her own direct to offer funnel, and it worked immediately!

"I work for Jon and Gary here at Charm Offensive... but I've followed Jon's method for setting up a direct-to-offer campaign within my own business (which was only my second ever attempt at using Facebook advertising). It worked right off the bat! Using some copy that I knew would resonate with my audience, along with an offer that answered a genuine need, my ads were consistently getting around 2-3x ROAS within the first few days."

- Ro B

What's in this marvellous pack?

The training comes in the form of 4 videos.

Video 1 - The Ad (Length: 22 minutes, 35 seconds)

This video runs through the ad we run to cold traffic, explaining how it engenders curiosity, attracts positive comments and engagement, and persuades people to click it. This covers the ad image, primary text, headline, and description. 

It also runs through how I manage the comments section. This includes how I reply to positive comments, how I respond to practical questions (and how to use this information to improve your sales page), and what to do with the few genuinely awful comments you get.

Video 2 - The Sales Page (Length: 26 minutes, 14 seconds)

I go through the sales page that people are sent to upon clicking the ad. It's nothing fancy. However, there are many persuasive devices, and some humorous elements, that make it convert so well.

This section will be useful even if you don't run Facebook Ads. If you want to learn how to write a sales page that converts to any form of cold traffic, paid or otherwise, this video will be incredibly beneficial to you.

Video 3 - Cold Targeting and Ad Setup (Length: 14 minutes, 22 seconds)

With the ad and sales page sorted, the next step is targeting.

I run through how to test different interests in a way where you'll find out, "Does this interest convert to sales or not?"

I talk briefly about lookalike audiences too. However, if you have no email list, Facebook/Instagram fans, website visitors, or a customer list to upload, you won't be able to create lookalike audiences.

That's why I've put much more of a focus on interest targeting. My interest targeting often gets the same return on ad spend, if not better than my lookalike audiences. 

And the best part is: anyone can use interest targeting. You don't need to have an existing following or customer list. You can hit the ground running, generate sales, and build your email list with buyers - rather than freebie seekers.

Video 4 - Retargeting Targeting Setup (Length: 7 minutes, 12 seconds)

The final video in this series runs through our five retargeting ads. As I say, most of our revenue comes from cold traffic but felt this should be included for the sake of completeness.

We go through the formats we use, the ad creative, and how to create the retargeting audiences. 

And that is it! As you can see, this isn't a massive time commitment.

You won't spend hours having to skip through the videos to get to the prescriptive, step-by-step advice.

We don't cover anything extraneous.

There's no pretentious waffle.

It's 100% instructional.

You can watch it in 69 minutes. (Nice!) :D

Want to get this pack for the special discount?

Buy before the deadline expires to get the special discount.

This product is available to download immediately!

£999 £119

You’ll be taken through every step of our Facebook Ads funnel that:

  • Generates return on investment immediately.
  • Makes even more revenue from customers buying our other products, including our monthly membership offer, Charm Offensive Professional.
  • Builds our email list with new opt-ins from BUYERS rather than freebie seekers

We will also show you:

  • How to use this system to generate one-to-one clients, perfect for freelancers, agency owners, b2b suppliers, but also b2c professionals, such as personal trainers or gyms. 
  • How to boost your average order value using order bumps
  • Generates repeat customers and new Charm Offensive Professional members almost every day

Who is this for?

  • Anyone wanting to use Facebook Ads to scale their business quickly
  • Freelancer professionals, agency owners, and other B2B suppliers who might not have thought about using Facebook Ads to scale their business. 
  • B2C professionals (e.g. personal trainers) who want to expand their offering outside of selling their time. With information products, you can 
  • Anyone who's been thinking about selling information products, but might not have an existing audience to sell to.

Want to get this pack for the special discount?

Buy before the deadline expires to get the special discount.

This product is available to download immediately!

£999 £119

You get an awesome bonus video too!

Bonus Video: Technology Platforms To Help You Scale Efficiently

As we scaled our campaign, we have started using a few technology platforms to help us do this more efficiently and profitably.

This video runs through those platforms and how they can help. 

You don't need these when you're starting. However, when you start making money, you'll want to scale your campaigns to make yet more money.

These platforms will help you do that without sacrificing on your profit margins, as can happen when trying to scale Facebook Ad campaigns.

Want to get this pack for the special discount?

Buy before the deadline expires to get the special discount.

This product is available to download immediately!

£999 £119

Questions (and helpfully, answers!)

I offer one-to-one client services. Will this funnel help me generate one-to-one clients?

Yes. Although this funnel is about selling an information product (For under £99, we suggest), you can easily pitch your one-to-one services:

  • Within the information product itself - e.g., Within the ebook, template pack, video training.

  • Within an automated email that gets sent to new customers of your information product.

  • You can add an order bump to the checkout page where you sell a one-off consultation call for whatever fee you wish to charge.

I don't have an email list, social media following, or a database of customers. Will this funnel work for me?

Yes. You don't need any of this to start running your first campaign.

However, you should set up an email marketing platform, so you can begin building your email list with customers who choose to opt-in to your future emails.

I've never created an information product before. Will this training help me?
This product doesn't show you how to make your first information product. However, you'll see why my offer converts. From here, you'll be able to get thinking about the kind of offer you need to put together. This takes you through my funnel from start to finish. 

This includes:

  • The Facebook ad shown to cold audiences who've never heard of Charm Offensive before

  • How to test different interest targeting to find audiences that click your ad and then purchase your product (and the order bumps at checkout.)

  • How to construct a sales page that makes it as difficult as possible for people to defer purchasing your information product.

  • How to set up retargeting ads to push any stragglers over the line.

  • Some technology platforms to help you scale your ads efficiently.

Is this training relevant for B2C or B2B?
This training is relevant to both. Anyone can create an information product. I sell a product that is useful to B2B audiences. However, the training is just as valuable to those offering products and services to consumers.

For example, personal trainers could replicate my funnel to sell information products that help people achieve a desired fitness goal. The training also discusses how to sell your one-to-one services to these new customers.

JON BUCHAN  //  Founder, Charm Offensive

A good few years ago, I was desperate for sales after my word of mouth work dried up.

I got hellishly drunk one night and wrote a completely absurd cold email. I was still tipsy the next morning and decided it was still a good idea to send it to pretty senior Marketing Directors at big brands.

To my astonishment, it worked. I got the most amazing complimentary responses and requests for calls/meetings, from senior decision makers at RedBull, Pepsi, Symantec, Hewlett-Packard, HSBC, Barclays and countless other global brands. Symantec and Hewlett Packard became clients.

All because of a crazy cold pitch.

I decided to start teaching others my unorthodox approach to cold pitching. People listened to my weird advice and found that it worked for them, too.

That's what Charm Offensive is all about: getting the attention of busy people.

Jon Buchan

Copyright 2020 Logical Absurdity Ltd T/A Charm Offensive.