This is a big header section.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque et dictum tortor. Fusce malesuada odio risus, non sodales arcu ornare et. Integer feugiat condimentum lorem sit amet tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem libero, porttitor eget elementum eu, ultrices non est. Aliquam sodales in felis sit amet rhoncus. Quisque vitae dapibus tortor. Aenean facilisis, quam ac dignissim imperdiet, lorem quam vestibulum nulla, id tincidunt arcu ipsum tincidunt nisl.


Praesent tempor pharetra ligula ac blandit. Pellentesque eget vulputate magna. Etiam dapibus facilisis tortor in gravida. Nam gravida risus ac vulputate cursus. Nunc hendrerit sagittis tellus eu efficitur. Nam commodo a elit vitae volutpat. Nullam non leo in nibh dignissim posuere. Suspendisse nec enim congue, bibendum ante non, vehicula purus. Nullam placerat augue in dolor pharetra cursus. Vestibulum in massa nisi.

Joe Bloggs, copywriter

Testimonial headline

Click on the image to the left, and options to add an image and change the name of the person will appear in the sidebar. Search for the file “Screen-Shot-2020-06-16-at-12.26.53.png” for the quote marks I’ve used here.

NOTE: Duplicate this block instead of creating a new one from the blocks menu.

Joe Bloggs, copywriter

Testimonial headline

Click on the image to the left, and options to add an image and change the name of the person will appear in the sidebar. Search for the file “Screen-Shot-2020-06-16-at-12.26.53.png” for the quote marks I’ve used here.

NOTE: Duplicate this block instead of creating a new one from the blocks menu.

Joe Bloggs, copywriter

Testimonial headline

Click on the image to the left, and options to add an image and change the name of the person will appear in the sidebar. Search for the file “Screen-Shot-2020-06-16-at-12.26.53.png” for the quote marks I’ve used here.

NOTE: Duplicate this block instead of creating a new one from the blocks menu.

Pick this up at the sale price now!

£599 £99


Bonus 1

Praesent tempor pharetra ligula ac blandit. Pellentesque eget vulputate magna. Etiam dapibus facilisis tortor in gravida. Nam gravida risus ac vulputate cursus. Nunc hendrerit sagittis tellus eu efficitur. Nam commodo a elit vitae volutpat. Nullam non leo in nibh dignissim posuere. Suspendisse nec enim congue, bibendum ante non, vehicula purus. Nullam placerat augue in dolor pharetra cursus. Vestibulum in massa nisi.

Bonus 2

Praesent tempor pharetra ligula ac blandit. Pellentesque eget vulputate magna. Etiam dapibus facilisis tortor in gravida. Nam gravida risus ac vulputate cursus. Nunc hendrerit sagittis tellus eu efficitur. Nam commodo a elit vitae volutpat. Nullam non leo in nibh dignissim posuere. Suspendisse nec enim congue, bibendum ante non, vehicula purus. Nullam placerat augue in dolor pharetra cursus. Vestibulum in massa nisi.

Bonus 3

Praesent tempor pharetra ligula ac blandit. Pellentesque eget vulputate magna. Etiam dapibus facilisis tortor in gravida. Nam gravida risus ac vulputate cursus. Nunc hendrerit sagittis tellus eu efficitur. Nam commodo a elit vitae volutpat. Nullam non leo in nibh dignissim posuere. Suspendisse nec enim congue, bibendum ante non, vehicula purus. Nullam placerat augue in dolor pharetra cursus. Vestibulum in massa nisi.

Pick this up at the sale price now!

£599 £99


Praesent tempor pharetra ligula ac blandit. Pellentesque eget vulputate magna. Etiam dapibus facilisis tortor in gravida. Nam gravida risus ac vulputate cursus. Nunc hendrerit sagittis tellus eu efficitur. Nam commodo a elit vitae volutpat. Nullam non leo in nibh dignissim posuere. Suspendisse nec enim congue, bibendum ante non, vehicula purus. Nullam placerat augue in dolor pharetra cursus. Vestibulum in massa nisi.

JON BUCHAN  //  Founder, Charm Offensive

A good few years ago, I was desperate for sales after my word of mouth work dried up.

I got hellishly drunk one night and wrote a completely absurd cold email. I was still tipsy the next morning and decided it was still a good idea to send it to pretty senior Marketing Directors at big brands.

To my astonishment, it worked. I got the most amazing complimentary responses and requests for calls/meetings, from senior decision makers at RedBull, Pepsi, Symantec, Hewlett-Packard, HSBC, Barclays and countless other global brands. Symantec and Hewlett Packard became clients.

All because of a crazy cold pitch.

I decided to start teaching others my unorthodox approach to cold pitching. People listened to my weird advice and found that it worked for them, too.

That’s what Charm Offensive is all about: getting the attention of busy people.